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Investment Philosophy
Andrew Murphy
Grading Ourselves on Ray Dalio’s Principles
Our conference room has a small library. In it are 19 books (so far) that are important to us in some way, be it a gift, a guide, a reminder, or a fundamental truth. We also have a small shoe…
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Investment Philosophy
Doug Clinton
Aristotle, Automation, and Empathy
You might wonder what Aristotle, automation, and empathy have to do with one another. The answer is simple: the future of happiness. Aristotle believed that man could achieve happiness by working on and developing the things unique to his nature,…
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Investment Philosophy
Doug Clinton
The Empathy Economy
We believe that automation will make customer service — delivering empathy — the most in-demand job in tech. Humans will need to take advantage of the three core capabilities that robots can't compete with: creativity, community, and empathy, and The…
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Investment Philosophy
Loup Ventures Podcast
Doug Clinton
Simplicity Series: Augmented Reality
Last week we wrote about simplicity as a driving force behind the world’s biggest technology offerings. We’re extending our thoughts on simplicity into a series that explores the necessity of simplicity in frontier technology. First, we’ll dive into AR.
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Augmented Reality
Investment Philosophy
Loup Ventures Podcast
Doug Clinton
The Underappreciated Beauty of Simplicity in Tech
Simplicity is underappreciated. In many things. But most obviously right now in our world of consumer technology. Simplicity is a requirement of mass adoption. Look at the iPhone, Google, Amazon, and Uber as examples: The iPhone never shipped with a…
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Investment Philosophy
Loup Ventures Podcast
Andrew Murphy
Value Chain: Intentional Generosity Starts with Gratitude
This note is the first in a series of four that detail Loup Ventures’ core values. These values drive how we operate, who we hire, and ultimately, what we look for in founders. We believe that vibrant culture driven by…
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Investment Philosophy
Doug Clinton
Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Great Founder?
Every VC says they only invest in great founders, but the majority of venture-backed businesses still end in relative failure. Does that mean we as VCs are just bad judges of founders or do we not know what great founders…
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Investment Philosophy
Loup Ventures Podcast
Doug Clinton
Humans Are a Bigger Existential Risk Than AI
Elon Musk continues to warn us of the potential dangers of AI, from debating the topic with Mark Zuckerberg to saying it’s more dangerous than North Korea. He’s called for regulating AI, just as we regulate other industries that can be dangerous to humans.…
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Artificial Intelligence
Investment Philosophy
Doug Clinton
Machines Taking Jobs: Why This Time Is Different
Will AI and robotics revolutionize human labor or not? More than half of all US jobs could be disrupted by automation in the next several decades; at least that’s our opinion. About half the people we talk to disagree. Those…
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Artificial Intelligence
Investment Philosophy
Doug Clinton
Bad Culture Doesn’t Scale
The most important lesson from Uber’s travails is that bad culture doesn’t scale. Talented teams with bad culture can build fantastic businesses, but not businesses that last. A unicorn with bad culture is a unicorn with a bomb strapped to its back…
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Investment Philosophy
Doug Clinton
Eric Schmidt is Wrong About Automation
At the Viva Tech conference in Paris, Google Chairman Eric Schmidt stated that he believes automation will create more jobs, not eliminate them. I think he’s wrong, and I hope he’s wrong. Disagreeing with the Chairman of the most advanced AI company in the…
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Artificial Intelligence
Investment Philosophy
Doug Clinton
Building a Startup Is Like Launching a Rocket
I read about 80 books a year and am always looking for new suggestions from people in technology (email us your recommendations). A number of VCs and technologists recommended Failure Is Not An Option by Gene Kranz, flight controller for…
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Investment Philosophy
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