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Investment Philosophy
Doug Clinton
The Bell Curve of Tech Addiction
Since we started writing about tech addiction as a potential market opportunity, we’re often asked, “What exactly are the opportunities?” We see opportunities across three broad categories: Health services Leveraging healthy addiction Augmentation These opportunities can be visualized along a…
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Investment Philosophy
Tech Addiction
Doug Clinton, Andrew Murphy, Gene Munster
Our Approach to Ethical Investing
Invest in high-integrity founders making products people love and that our LPs will be proud to back. We talk a lot about ethics at Loup Ventures. Debate might be a better term. The themes we invest in — AI, robotics,…
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Investment Philosophy
Avery Bedows
An Investor’s Take on the Ethics of Neurotech
A while back, I laid out an argument for why I think neurotechnology is an important and compelling field: it entails investigating, fixing, and enhancing the brain—the substrate of human phenomenological existence. Here, I want to discuss the ethics of…
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Artificial Intelligence
Investment Philosophy
Virtual Reality
Andrew Murphy
Intentional Generosity: Share Your Gifts
Happy belated Thanksgiving. One of our four closely held values is what we call intentional generosity. We believe that giving with a purpose is a powerful tool for good. It’s baked into the venture capital model and baked into our…
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Investment Philosophy
Doug Clinton
The Good Phone: Superhumans Will Use Less Technology, Not More
Two weeks ago, I tested using a distraction-free iPhone – no social media, no email, no entertainment, no news, and no web browser. I loved it so much that I named the device the “Good Phone” in my settings. I don’t think I’ll ever go…
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Investment Philosophy
Tech Addiction
Doug Clinton
A Proposal for Facebook to Be a Better Platform for Society
Technology is neither purely good nor evil. At Loup, we remind ourselves of that construct often, especially when discussing social media as it seemingly moves across the spectrum toward evil from good. If Facebook is truly committed to being a…
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Investment Philosophy
Doug Clinton
Fighting Tech Addiction with a Distraction-Free iPhone
A couple weeks ago, Loup Ventures went phoneless. We turned off our iPhones and tested Apple Watches as our only source of connectivity. That experience was both freeing and frustrating. There were times when more connectivity would have been useful,…
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Investment Philosophy
Tech Addiction
Doug Clinton
Going Phoneless: The Benefits and Pitfalls
Loup Ventures went phoneless last week. That is, some of the Loup team turned off our iPhones for a full week and only used Apple Watches for connectivity. It was freeing. And frustrating. Tech addiction is something we’re spending a…
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Feedback Loup
Investment Philosophy
Tech Addiction
Gene Munster, Doug Clinton
Elon Musk: When Strengths in Excess Become Weaknesses
Elon Musk’s desire to win every battle may cost him the war. Last week, in an attempt to achieve some mental “victory” against the SEC after settling charges related to his go-private tweet earlier this year, Musk needled the agency…
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Autonomous Vehicles
Investment Philosophy
Doug Clinton
Solving Tech Addiction Is an Underappreciated Market Opportunity
Smartphones have made us superhuman by bestowing on us the intelligence of the world’s information at our fingertips persistently; however, few would disagree that our omnipresent devices also create undesirable outcomes. We spend so much time on our phones that…
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Investment Philosophy
Tech Addiction
Doug Clinton, Andrew Murphy, Gene Munster
Manifesto 2.0
We pride ourselves on contrarian curiosity. When that curiosity leads us to new conclusions, we change our minds. As part of that exploration, the areas that we find most interesting evolve over time. What was once frontier eventually becomes commonplace.…
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Artificial Intelligence
Augmented Reality
Autonomous Vehicles
Investment Philosophy
Loup Ventures Podcast
Virtual Reality
Doug Clinton
Margin of Safety in Venture Capital
As a former stock analyst turned VC, I still spend time thinking about public company investment opportunities. To that end, I recently read Seth Klarman’s Margin of Safety, a hard to find, but very insightful book about value investing. The…
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Investment Philosophy
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